1. Redistributor • BL3 – Legendary SMG - Lootlemon
5 sep 2023 · Redistributor - unique Ability. Every 7th is amped and deals +50% damage. Amped shot chains [weapon element] damage to nearby enemies.
This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Redistributor Weapon Guide. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more…
2. Redistributor - Borderlands Wiki - Fandom
Redistributor is a legendary submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an ...
For the mission reward version of the weapon, see Redistributor (mission reward). Redistributor is a legendary submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Valkyrie Squad or Wotan the Invincible. Man's reach exceeds his imagination. – Amped shots chain to nearby enemies. Every 7th shot is amped. The Redistributor is an effective weapon for crowd control as the chained shots can weaken ene
3. Redistributor (mission reward) - Borderlands Wiki - Fandom
Redistributor is a unique submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. The Redistributor is obtained from the mission The Impending Storm.
For the legendary version of the weapon, see Redistributor. Redistributor is a unique submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. The Redistributor is obtained from the mission The Impending Storm. Man's reach exceeds his imagination. – Always shock. Every 7th shot is amped and chains to nearby enemies. The Redistributor is an effective weapon against shielded enemies and mobs with its chaining shot effect and shock element. The amped shot effect is not tied to the magazine size. I
4. Borderlands 3 Legendary SMG - Redistributor - MentalMars
3 nov 2019 · The Redistributor can be obtained in Maliwan's Blacksite, it has an 18% chance of dropping from any Wotan the Invincible part. Changelog: Hotfix ...
The Redistributor is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. This guide will tell you how to get the Redistributor and what unique special effect it has.
5. Redistributor • BL3 – Rare SMG - Lootlemon
5 sep 2023 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Redistributor Weapon Guide. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, ...
This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Redistributor Weapon Guide. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more…
6. Redistributor Legendary SMG - How to Get & Stats | Borderlands 3
21 aug 2022 · The Redistributor is an exclusive Legendary weapon that can only be acquired from the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Event. Check Out the ...
Read this Borderlands 3 guide to learn more about how to get the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Exclusive Redistributor SMG! This includes where to farm, drops, stats & more!
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Redistributor - lvl 72 Mayhem 10 Legit Annointed | RAD. Delivery time: 1-24 hours. $ 15,87. buy · Other BL3 Items PC/PS4/XBOX Products ...
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8. 49 MAG Redistributor - Corrosive, Cryo Zane SNTNL, Xbox BL3
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9. PS4 Borderlands 3 Redistributor FIRE/CRYO SNTNL Pack! Electric ...
Weapon | PS4 Borderlands 3 Redistributor FIRE/CRYO SNTNL Pack! Electric Banjo Included! $7.00 USD. Digital Transfer. Transfer. 1 year ago. Sold. Category. Game ...
Type: Weapon
10. Borderlands 3 Redistributor: How to Get, Stats & More - Twinfinite
23 dec 2019 · Even after you've beaten the main campaign, there's still plenty more to do. Here's how to get the Redistributor Legendary SMG in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 was easily one of the most eagerly anticipated video game releases of 2019, as it marker Gearbox Software's return to the popular looter
11. PS4 Borderlands 3 Redistributor SNTNL Cryo Bundle - Ghana | Ubuy
Buy the PS4 Borderlands 3 - Anointed Redistributor SNTNL Cryo Bundle from Ubuy, a Ghana. Get the GOD ROLLS BL3 edition now. Shop with us at Ubuy [COUNTRY].