My Singing Monsters breeding guide (2024)

If you’re trying to get your head around My Singing Monsters breeding, we’re here to help. Breeding is a core mechanic in Big Blue Bubble’s creature collecting game, and it’s the best way to introduce new monsters to your cacophonous communities. In this guide, we’ve got all the possible breeding results, as well as a few tips on how to breed efficiently.

While it’s pretty easy to grab your first monsters with cash, you’ll need to get experimenting if you want to build up your collection and unlock those rarer dual or triple-element monsters. Luckily, our My Singing Monsters breeding guide is here to help, and break down everything you need to know. For even more great mobile game guides, check out our articles covering Genshin Impact codes, and our Genshin Impact events guide.

All you MSM fans out there should also head over to ourMy Singing Monsters monster list, My Singing Monsters gems guide, and My Singing Monsters Plant Island guide. Now, let’s get into our My Singing Monsters breeding guide and make some monsters.

  • Natural
  • Magical
  • Seasonal
  • Ethereal
  • Mythical
  • Shugafam
  • Dipster
  • Wublins
  • Celestial
  • Wubbox
  • Rare
  • Rare Ethereal
  • Rare Seasonal
  • Rare Magical
  • Epic

My Singing Monsters breeding guide (1)

My Singing Monsters natural breeding

MonsterElementClassCostBreeding combinationBreeding time
NogginEarthNatural300 coinsN/AFive seconds
MammottColdNatural300 coinsN/ATwo minutes
Toe JammerWaterNatural250 coinsN/AOne minute
PotbellyPlantNatural250 coinsN/ATwo hours
TweedleAirNatural300 coinsN/AFour hours
KaynaFireNaturalTen relicsN/ASeven hours
DrumplerEarth / ColdNatural30 diamondsNoggin & Mammott30 minutes
FwogEarth / WaterNatural30 diamondsNoggin & Toe Jammer30 minutes
MawCold / WaterNatural30 diamondsToe Jammer & Mammott30 minutes
ShrubbEarth / PlantNatural30 diamondsPotbelly & NogginEight hours
FurcornCold / PlantNatural30 diamondsPotbelly & MammottEight hours
OaktopusWater / PlantNatural30 diamondsPotbelly & Toe JammerEight hours
DandidooAir / PlantNatural30 diamondsTweedle & PotbellyEight hours
PangoAir / ColdNatural30 diamondsTweedle & MammottEight hours
QuibbleAir / WaterNatural30 diamondsTweedle & Toe JammerEight hours
CybopAir / EarthNatural30 diamondsTweedle & NogginEight hours
StoggEarth / FireNatural50 relicsNoggin & KaynaTen hours
FlowahPlant / FireNatural50 relicsPotbelly & KaynaTen hours
GlowlAir / FireNatural50 relicsTweedle & KaynaTen hours
PhanglerWater / FireNatural50 relicsToe Jammer & KaynaTen hours
BoskusCold / FireNatural50 relicsMammott & KaynaTen hours
T-RoxRock / Water / ColdNatural50 diamondsNoggin & Maw / Toe Jammer & Drumpler / Mammott & FwogEighthours
PummelPlant / Earth / WaterNatural50 diamondsPotbelly & Fwog / Noggin & Oaktopus / Toe Jammer & Shrubb12 hours
ClamblePlant / Earth / ColdNatural50 diamondsPotbelly & Drumpler / Noggin & Furcorn / Mammott & ShrubbOne hour
BowgartPlant / Water / ColdNatural50 diamondsPotbelly & Maw / Toe Jammer & Furcorn / Mammott & Oaktopus12 hours
SpungeAir / Plant / WaterNatural50 diamondsToe Jammer & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Quibble / Tweedle & Oaktopus12 hours
ThumpiesAir / Plant / ColdNatural50 diamondsMammot & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Pango / Tweedle & Furcorn12 hours
CongleAir / Water / ColdNatural50 diamondsTweedle & Maw / Toe Jammer & Pango / Mammott & Quibble12 hours
PomPomAir / Earth / ColdNatural50 diamondsNoggin & Pango / Mammott & Cybop / Tweedle & Drumpler12 hours
ScupsAir / Earth / WaterNatural50 diamondsTweedle & Fwog / Noggin & Quibble / Toe Jammer & Cybop12 hours
ReedlingAir / Earth / PlantNatural50 diamondsNoggin & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Cybop / Tweedle & Shrubb12 hours
RepatilloPlant / Earth / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Shrubb / Noggin & Flowah / Potbelly & Stogg20 hours
FloogullAir / Earth / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Cybop / Noggin & Glowl / Tweedle & Stogg20 hours
BarrbAir / Plant / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Dandidoo / Potbelly & Glowl / Tweedle & Flowah20 hours
WhaddleAir / Water / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Quibble / Toe Jammer & Glowl / Tweedle & Phangler20 hours
WoolabeeAir / Cold / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Pango / Mammott & Glowl / Tweedle & Boskus20 hours
WynqWater / Cold / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & maw / Toe Jammer & Boskus / Mammott & Phangler20 hours
SoozaPlant / Cold / FireNatural100 relicsMammott & Flowah / Potbelly & Boskus / Kayna & Furcorn20 hours
RootitootPlant / Water / FireNatural100 relicsKayna & Oaktopus / Toe Jammer & Flowah / Potbelly & Phangler20 hours
ZiggarubEarth / Cold / FireNatural100 relicsDrumpler & Kayna / Mammott & Stogg / Noggin & Boskus20 hours
ThrumbleEarth / Water / FireNatural100 relicsFwog & Kayna / Stogg & Toe Jammer / Phangler & Noggin20 hours
EntbratPlant / Earth / Water / ColdNatural150 diamondsPotbelly & T-Rox / Noggin & Bowgart / Toe Jammer & Clamble / Mammott & PummelOne day
DeedgeAir / Plant / Water / ColdNatural150 diamondsToe Jammer & thumpies / Mammot & Spunge / Potbelly & Congle / Tweedle & BowgartOne day
RiffAir / Earth / Water / ColdNatural150 diamondsNoggin & Congle / Toe Jammer & Pompom / Mammott & Scups / Tweedle & T-RoxOne day
ShellbeatAir / Plant / Earth / WaterNatural150 diamondsNoggin & Spunge / Toe Jammer & Reedling / Potbelly & Scups / Tweedle & PummelOne day
QuarristerAir / Plant / Earth / ColdNatural150 diamondsNoggin & Thumpies / Mammott & Reedling / Potbelly & Pompom / Tweedle & ClambleOne day
TringAir / Plant / Earth / FireNatural200 relicsNoggin & Barrb / Potbelly & Floogull / Tweedle & Repatillo / Kayna & ReedlingOne day, 16 hours
SneyserAir/ Water / Cold / FireNatural200 relicsToe jammer & Woolabee / Mammott & Whaddle / Tweedle & Wynq / Kayna & CongleOne day, 16 hours
YelmutAir / Plant / Cold / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
Flum OxAir / Earth / Water / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
KrillbyAir / Earth / Cold / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
EdamimiPlant / Earth / Water / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
PongPingPlant / Earth / Cold / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
TiawaEarth / Water / Cold / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
BisonorusAir / Plant / Water / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
IncisaurPlant / Water / Cold / FireNatural30 relicsN/AOne day, 16 hours
CandelavraAir / Plant / Earth / Water / FireNatural40 relicsN/AThree days, eight hours

My Singing Monster magical breeding

MonsterElementLevel neededCostBreeding combinationBreeding time
FluoressLight930k coins or 325 diamondsN/A (purchase from market)Two hours
TheremindPyschic925k coins or 325 diamondsN/A (purchase from market)Three hours
Floot FlyFaerie925k coins or 325 diamondsN/A (purchase from market)Four hours
ClackulaBone925k coins or 325 diamondsN/A (purchase from market)Five hours
GobPlant / Light9150 diamondsPotbelly & FluoressNine hours
BulboCold / Light9150 diamondsMammott & FluoressNine hours
PluckbillFire / Light9150 diamondsKayna & FlueoressNine hours
PoppetteWater / Pyschic9150 diamondsToe Jammer & TheremindNine hours
BonkersPlant / Pyschic9150 diamondsPotbelly & TheremindNine hours
YugglerFire / Pyschic9150 diamondsKayna & TheremindNine hours
HippityHopEarth / Faerie9150 diamondsNoggin & Floot FlyNine hours
SquotCold / Faerie9150 diamondsMammott & Floot FlyNine hours
WimmziesFire / Faerie9150 diamondsKayna & Floot FlyNine hours
PeckidnaEarth / Bone9150 diamondsNoggin & ClackulaNine hours
DenchuhsWater / Bone9150 diamondsToe Jammer & ClackulaNine hours
HawloFire / Bone9150 diamondsKayna & ClackulaNine hours
XysterPyschic / Bone9150 diamondsTheremind & Clackula20 hours
KnuckleheadFaerie / Light9150 diamondsFloot Fly & Fluoress20 hours
Deja-JinPsychic / Faerie9150 diamondsTheremind & Floot Fly20 hours
CahootPsychic / Light9150 diamondsTheremind & Fluoress20 hours
OsstaxFaerie / Bone9150 diamondsFloot Fly & Clackula20 hours
RoarickBone / Light9150 diamondsClackula & Fluoress20 hours
SpytrapPlant / Cold / Light9300 diamondsGob & Mammott16 hours
TooTooPlant / Fire / Light9300 diamondsPluckbill & Potbelly16 hours
FiddlementCold / Fire / Light9300 diamondsPluckbill & Mammott16 hours
TapricornPlant / Water / Psychic9300 diamondsBonkers & Toe Jammer16 hours
RoobaPlant / Fire / Psychic9300 diamondsYuggler & Potbelly16 hours
PeriscorpWater / Fire / Psychic9300 diamondsYuggler & Toe Jammer16 hours
CantorellEarth / Cold / Faerie9300 diamondsSquot & Noggin16 hours
Bridg-itEarth / Fire / Faerie9300 diamondsWimmzies & Noggin16 hours
Clavi GnatCold / Fire / Faerie9300 diamondsWimmzies & Mammott16 hours
WithurEarth / Water / Bone9300 diamondsDenchuhs & Noggin16 hours
UudukEarth / Fine / Bone9300 diamondsHawlo & Noggin16 hours
BanjawWater / Fire / Bone9300 diamondsHawlo & Toe Jammer16 hours
FrondleyPyschic / Fairy / Light9300 diamondsDeja-Jin & Fluoress30 hours
LarvalussPsychic / Faerie / Bone9300 diamondsOsstax & Theremind30 hours
MushaboomFarie / Bone / Light9300 diamondsOsstax & Fluoress30 hours
G’dayPsychic / Bone / Light9300 diamondsXyster & Fluoress30 hours
Blow’tPlant / Cold / Fire / Light9600 diamondsTooToo & Mammott32 hours
GlopticPlant / Water / Fire / Psychic9600 diamondsRooba & Toe Jammer32 hours
PladdieEarth / Cold / Fire / Faerie9600 diamondsClavi Gnat & Noggin32 hours
PlinkajouEarth / Water / Fire / Bone9600 diamondsBanjaw & Noggin32 hours
EnchantlingPsychic / Faerie / Bone / Light9600 diamondsLarvaluss & Fluoress50 hours

My Singing Monster seasonal breeding

All of these monsters require you to be at level 9 to breed.

MonsterElementCostBreeding combinationBreeding time
PunkletonSpooktacle225 diamondsBowgart & T-Rox18 hours
YoolFestival of Yay225 diamondsThumpies & Congle36 hours
SchmoochleSeason of Love225 diamondsRiff & TweedleJust over 31 hours
BlabbitEggs-travaganza225 diamondsSpunge & Scups19 hours
HoolaSummerSong225 diamondsPomPom & Pango25 hours
GobbleygourdFeast Ember225 diamondsGlowl & Kayna at Fire Haven/ Punkleton & Yool at Seasonal Shanty21 hours
ClavaveraBeat Hereafter225 diamondsWithur & Clackula at Bone Island / Punkleton & Schmoochle at Seasonal ShantyJust over 22 hours
ViveineEchoes of Eco500 diamondsPunkleton & BlabbitJust over 26 hours
Jam BoreeAnniversary Month500 diamondsPunkleton & HoolaJust over 40 hours
CarillongCrescendo Moon500 diamondsYool & SchmoochleJust over 27 hours
Whiz-bangSky Painting500 diamondsYool & BlabbitJust over 28 hours
MonculucLight Formula500 diamondsYool & HoolaJust over 20 hours
FfidyllCloverspell500 diamondsSchmoochle & BlabbitJust under 21 hours
Boo’qwurmMindBoggle500 diamondsSchmoochle & HoolaJust over 24 hours
SpurritPerplexpore500 diamondsBlabbit & HoolaJust over 20 hours

My Singing Monster ethereal breeding

MonsterElementLevel neededCostBreeding combinationBreeding time
GhaztPlasma91,000 diamondsEnbrat & T-RoxOne and a half days
GrumpyreShadow91,000 diamondsDeedge & SpungeOne and a half days
ReebroMech91,000 diamondsRiff & T-RoxOne and a half days
JeeodeCrystal91,000 diamondsShellbeat & PummelOne and a half days
HumbugPoison91,000 diamondsQuarister & ClambleOne and a half days
WhispPlasma/ Shadow91,250 diamondsGhazt & Grumpyre42 hours
NebulobPlasma/ Mech91,250 diamondsGhazt & Reebro42 hours
ArackuleleShadow/ Mech91,250 diamondsGrumpyre & Reebro42 hours
SoxPlasma/ Crystal91,250 diamondsGhazt & Jeeode42 hours
BoodooShadow/ Crystal91,250 diamondsGrumpyre & Jeeode42 hours
BellowfishMech/ Crystal91,250 diamondsReebro & Jeeode42 hours
JellibillyPlasma/ Posion91,250 diamondsGhazt & Humbug42 hours
KazilleonShadow/ Posion91,250 diamondsGrumpyre & Humbug42 hours
DragongMech/ Poison91,250 diamondsReebro & Humbug42 hours
Fung PrayCrystal/ Posion91,250 diamondsJeeode & Humbug42 hours

My Singing Monster mythical breeding

MonsterElementLevel neededCostBreeding combinationBreeding time
G’joobMythical9225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical IslandT-Rox & Pummel18 hours
StromboninMythical9225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical IslandBowgart & Spunge23 hours
YawstritchMythical9225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical IslandT-Rox & Scups28 hours
CherubbleMythical9225 or 500 diamonds on Mythical IslandCongle & Woolabee18 hours
CatalisztMythical9100k coinsBuy from market9 hours
BleatnikMythical / Dream9750 diamondsG’joob & Cataliszt27 hours
CrancheeMythical / Dream9750 diamondsStrombonin & Cataliszt32 hours
SporerowMythical / Dream9750 diamondsYawstrich & Cataliszt37 hours
shLepMythical / Dream9750 diamondsCherubble & Cataliszt27 hours

My Singing Monstershugafam breeding

ShugabushLegendaryBowgart &Clamble35 hours
ShugarockLegendaryShugabush &Mammott35 hours
ShugabassLegendaryShugabush &Potbelly35 hours
ShugajoLegendaryShugabush &Oaktopus35 hours
ShugabeatsLegendaryShugabush &Furcorn35 hours
ShugabuzzLegendaryShugabush &Quibble35 hours
ShugitarLegendaryShugabush &PomPom35 hours
ShugavoxLegendaryShugabush &Deedge35 hours

My Singing Monsters breeding guide (2)

My Singing Monster dipster breeding

Unlike the other creatures on our My Singing Monsters breeding guide, Dipsters can’t be bred, sadly. Rather, you need to use keys to buy them, so start earning some and head to the shop to grab those dipsters. (Well, you can try and breed two dipsters, but you get nothing from it).

My Singing Monster wublins breeding

Wublins can’t be bred, either. They are incredibly helpful, however, so start hatching their eggs as soon as possible. They cost 5,000 coins, from which you get a static wublin, which needs to be zapped awake at the right time. If you wait too long, the eggs go bad, so check out how long you have below.

Dwumrohl14 days
Pixolotl14 days
Tympa14 days

My Singing Monster celestial breeding

Celestials work similarly to wublins, except they cost varying amounts of diamonds. Still, we’ve included them in our My Singing Monsters breeding guide so you can find all the info below.

MonsterDiamond costTime
Attmoz7512 days
Hornacle12012 days
Plixie11013 days
Syncopite9011 days

My Singing Monsterwubbox breeding

There are three types of wubbox, the standard, the rare, and the epic wubbox. They cannot be bred, but instead, need to be bought from the shop.

My Singing Monster rare breeding

All rare monsters have the same element as their original design, for instance, both regular Noggin and epic Noggin belong to the earth element. Because of this, we haven’t included each typing in our guide to My Singing Monsters brreding, just the monster in question, those you need to breed to create it, and how long it might take.

MonsterCombinationBreeding time
Rare TweedleAny two triple element monsters that are at least one part airSix hours
Rare PotbellyAny two triple element monsters that are at least one part plantSix hours
Rare NogginAny two triple element monsters that are at least one part earthSix hours
Rare Toe JammerAny two triple element monster that are at least one part waterSix hours
Rare MammotAny two triple element monster that are at least one part coldSix hours
Rare KaynaAny two triple element monster that are at least one part fireEight hours
Rare DandidooTweedle & Potbelly10 and a half hours
Rare CybopTweedle & Noggin10 and a half hours
Rare QuibbleTweedle & Toe Jammer10 and a half hours
Rare PangoTweedle & Mammot10 and a half hours
Rare ShrubbPotbelly & Noggin10 and a half hours
Rare OaktopusPotbelly & Toe Jammer10 and a half hours
Rare FurcornPotbelly & Mammott10 and a half hours
Rare FwogNoggin & Toe Jammer75 minutes
Rare DrumplerNoggin & Mammott67 and a half minutes
Rare MawToe Jammer & Mammott67 and a half minutes
Rare StoggStogg & Noggin13 and a half hours
Rare PhanglerPhangler & Toe Jammer13 and a half hours
Rare FlowahAny four-element monster & Flowah13 and a half hours
Rare BoskusBoskus & Mammott13 and a half hours
Rare GlowlAny four-element monster and Glowl13 and a half hours
Rare T-RoxT-Rox & Noggin10 and a half hours
Rare PummelPummel & Noggin15 and a half hours
Rare ClambleClamble & Noggin15 and a half hours
Rare BowgartBowgart & Toe Jammer15 and a half hours
Rare SpungeSpunge & Toe Jammer15 and a half hours
Rare ThumpiesThumpies & Mammot15 and a half hours
Rare CongleCongle & Toe Jammer15 and a half hours
Rare PomPomPomPom & Noggin15 and a half hours
Rare ScupsScups & Noggin15 and a half hours
Rare ReedlingReedling & Noggin15 and a half hours
Rare FloogullFloogul & Noggin26 and a half hours
Rare WynqWynq & Toe Jammer26 and a half hours
Rare WoolabeeWoolabee & Mammott26 and a half hours
Rare RepatilloRepatillo & Noggin26 and a half hours
Rare WhaddleWhaddle & Toe Jammer26 and a half hours
Rare RootitootRootitoot & Toe Jammer26 and a half hours
Rare BarrbTring & Barb26 and a half hours
Rare ZiggurabZiggurab & Noggin26 and a half hours
Rare ThrumbleThrumble & Noggin26 and a half hours
Rare SoozaSooza & Mammott26 and a half hours
Rare EntbratBowgart & Noggin30 and a half hours
Rare DeedgeThumpies & Toe Jammer30 and a half hours
Rare RiffCongle & Noggin30 and a half hours
Rare ShellbeatSpunge & Noggin30 and a half hours
Rare QuarristerThumpies & Noggin30 and a half hours
Rare TringBarrb & Noggin52 and a half hours
Rare SneyserWoolabee & Toe Jammer52 and a half hours

My Singing Monster rare ethereal breeding

MonsterCombinationBreeding time
Rare GhaztPlant Island: Enbrat & T-Rox / Ethereal Island: Ghazt & any one-element monster45 and a half hours
Rare GrumpyreCold Island: Deedge & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Grumpyre & any one-element monster45 and a half hours
Rare ReebroAir Island: Riff & T-Rox / Ethereal Island: Reebro & any one-element monsters45 and a half hours
Rare JeeodeWater Island: Shellbeat & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Jeeode & any one-element monsters45 and a half hours
Rare HumbugEarth Island: Quarrister & any three-element monster / Ethereal Island: Humbug & any one-element monsters45 and a half hours
Rare WhispWhisp & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare NebulobNebulob & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare AruackuleleArackulele & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare SoxSox & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare BoodooBoodoo & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare BellowfishBellowfish & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare JellibillyJeillibilly & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare KazilleonKazilleon & any one-element monster52 and a half hours
Rare DragongDragon & any one-element monster53 hours
Rare Fung PrayFung Pray & any one-element monster53 hours

My Singing Monster rare seasonal breeding

MonsterCombinationBreeding time
Rare PunkletonPlant Island: Bowgart & T-Rox / Seasonal Shanty: Punkleton & Monculus31 hours and 45 minutes
Rare YoolCold Island: Thumpies & Congle / Seasonal Shanty: Yool & Monculus45 and a half hours
Rare SchmoochleAir Island: Riff & Tweedle / Seasonal Shanty: Schmoochle & Monculus39 hours and 15 minutes
Rare BlabbitWater Island: Spunge & Scups / Blabbit & Monculus24 hours and 15 minutes
Rare HoolaAir Island: PomPom & Pango / Seasonal Shanty: Hoola & Monculus31 hours and 45 minutes
Rare GobbleygourdFive Haven or Fire Oasis: Glowl & Kayna / Seasonal Shanty: Gobbleygourd & Punkleton31 hours and 45 minutes
Rare Jam BoreePunkleton & Hoola50 hours

My Singing Monsters rare magical breeding

MonsterCombinationBreeding time
Rare TheremindAny two three-element monsters with at least one part psychic element eachSix hours
Rare Floot FlyAny two three-element monsters with at least one part faerie element eachSix hours
Rare GobBlow’t & Gob12 and a half hours
Rare WimmziesPladdie & Wimmzies12 and a half hours
Rare YugglerGloptic & Yuggler12 and a half hours
Rare HawloPlinkajou & Hawlo12 and a half hours
Rare TooTooBlow’t & TooToo25 and a half hours
Rare Bridg-itBrigd-it & Noggin25 and a half hours
Rare WithurWithur & Noggin25 and a half hours
Rare BanjawBanjaw & Toe Jammer25 and a half hours

My Singing Monsters breeding guide (3)

My Singing Monster epic breeding

MonsterCombinationBreeding time
Epic Noggin
  • Plant Island: Entbrat & Fwog
  • Air Island: RIff & Drumpler
  • Water Island: Shellbeat & Shrubb
  • Earth Island: Quarrister & Cybop
  • Fire Haven: Tring & Dandidoo
  • Faerie Island: Pladdie & Boskus
  • Bone Island: Plinkajour & Phangler
Epic Mammott
  • Plant Island: Entbrat & Furcorn
  • Cold Island: Deedge & Maw
  • Air Island: Riff & Pango
  • Earth Island: Quarrister & Drumpler
  • Fire Oasis: Sneyser & Quibble
  • Light Island: Blow’t & Flowah
  • Faerie Island: Pladdie & Stogg
  • Shugabush Island: Shugabush & Oaktopus
Epic Toe Jammer
  • Plant Island: Entbrat & Oaktopus
  • Cold Island: Deedge & Quibble
  • Air Island: Riff & Maw
  • Water Island: Shellbeat & Fwog
  • Fire Oasis: Sneyser & Pango
  • Psychic Island: Gloptic & Flowah
  • Bone Island: Plinkajou & Stogg
Epic Potbelly
  • Plant Island: Entbrat & Shrubb
  • Cold Island: Deedge & Oaktopus
  • Water Island: Shellbeat & Dandidoo
  • Earth Island: Quarrister & Furcorn
  • Fire Haven: Tring & Cybop
  • Light Island: Blow’t & Boskus
  • Psychic Island: Gloptic & Phangler
  • Shuabush Island: Shuabush & Furcorn
Epic Tweedle
  • Cold Island: Deedge & Dandidoo
  • Air Island: Riff & Cybop
  • Water Island: Shellbeat & Quibble
  • Earth Island: Quarrister & Pango
  • Fire Haven: Tring & Shrubb
  • Fire Oasis: Sneyser & Maw
Epic Kayna
  • Fire Haven: Tring & Stogg
  • Fire Oasis: Sneyser & Phangler
  • Light Island: Blow’t & Furcorn
  • Psychic Island: Gloptic & Oaktopus
  • Faerie Island: Pladdie & Drumpler
  • Bone Island: Plinkajou & Fwog

Breeding in my singing monster can be overwhelming, with so many different possibilities and you have a lot of work to do if you want to unlock the monsters in each area. You start with monsters of a single element, and as you breed these together they create monsters with two elements, which can then create monsters with three elements or more. Experimenting with the different monsters is a great way to get some of them, but if you want to collect every single one, then our guide to the breeding combinations will help you to see all of those lovable little creatures.

Once you have unlocked a monster you can then buy it, making it much easier to grab more for further breeding. Eggs take a certain amount of time to hatch, increasing with the monster’s rarity, but you can also decrease the egg hatching time as you level up and find different ways to enhance it.

Alright, monster collectors, that’s all we have for our My Singing Monsters breeding guide. For more monsters, check out our guides to the best My Singing Monsters games and My Singing Monsters mods. Or, if you’re more of a Monopoly fan, grab some freebies with our guide to free Monopoly Go dice.

My Singing Monsters breeding guide (2024)


What is the hardest monster to breed in my singing monsters? ›

Double-Element Fire and Magical Monsters are slightly harder to breed and can result in one of the parent Monsters. Double-Element Ethereals are much harder to get and will often fail.

How do I get higher breeding chances in my singing monsters? ›

Increasing the level of the 'parent' Monsters increases the odds of a successful Breeding attempt, up to at least Level 15.

What do tweedle and potbelly make? ›

Dandidoo - Tweedle + Potbelly, or a quad + itself. Cybop - Tweedle + Noggin, or a quad + itself. Quibble - Tweedle + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.

Can you breed the weirdos in my singing monsters? ›

Werdos cannot be breed, regardless of their level.

How to breed hehehe? ›

Breeding. On Earth Island, Hyehehe can be obtained by breeding Thumpies and PomPom. Note that it's not a 100% success rate, but the chances can be increased with Wishing Torches.

How to breed G Joob 100 percent? ›

Breeding. On Plant Island, G'joob can be obtained by breeding Pummel and T-Rox. Successfully breeding a G'joob is not guaranteed, but the chances can be increased with Wishing Torches. (Note that this combo can result in Rare Noggin, Rare T-Rox, or Rare Toe Jammer if they're available.)

How to 100% breed gloptic? ›

Breeding. ) without repeating any. Of these, Rooba+Toe Jammer is the best combination, as failing and breeding a Toe Jammer lets you retry the combo almost instantly. Breeding a Gloptic with an Oaktopus has an increased chance of getting a Gloptic, due to this also being the breeding combination for Epic Kayna.

How to breed a wubbox? ›

Wubbox. The Wubbox are unique Monsters that start in an inactive state. They require other Monsters from that Island to be placed inside of them to power up. The Wubbox cannot breed with other Monsters and is available on many islands.

What do shugabush and Mammott make? ›

Shugabush + Mammott = Shugarock. Shugabush + Oaktopus = Shugajo.

How long does G-joob take to breed? ›

By default, its breeding time is 22 hours and 30 minutes long. Rare G'joob has a decent Coin production compared to other Monsters on Plant Island. On Mythical Island, Rare G'joob is best obtained by teleporting when reaching to level 15, or by breeding with Cataliszt and G'joob.

Can you breed epic mammott? ›

Epic Mammott is only available for breeding (or buying) during limited time events. The combination to breed Epic Mammott is different for each Island.

Can you breed a tawkerr? ›

Costumes. Since Tawkerr cannot be bred, the only way of obtaining its permanent costumes is by buying them. Since it cannot be teleported to The Colossingum, its costumes are purely cosmetic.

How do you breed rare stuff in my singing Monsters? ›

Rares can be bred with their common counterparts. This can be useful in making multiple Rares of the same type. Obviously, to do this, one of those Rares must already be owned. For example, an Entbrat can be bred with a Rare Entbrat and produce another Entbrat.

Is it possible to breed epic monsters in my singing Monsters? ›

Epic Monsters, similar to their Rare counterparts are only available for breeding and buying at select times.

How to breed Entbrat 100 percent? ›

Breeding. Entbrat can be bred using Monsters that combine to provide all the Elements Plant, Earth, Water, and Cold without repeating any. Of these, Bowgart+Noggin is the best combination, as failing and breeding a Noggin lets you retry the combo almost instantly (Though, small chance of a Bowgart).

Do all Wublins produce the same? ›

All Wublins generate roughly similar amount of Coins, Shards, and Treats, but the percentage chance of generating diamonds varies a great deal across Wublins. The odds depend on the size of the Wublin and how difficult it is to fill.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.